frequently asked questions
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
During the Pandemic…(this still applies as of Spring 2023)
Lecture Delivery: Instead of in-person lectures, TLL will offer online webinars through Zoom
Capacity: The registration capacity for webinars is 500.
Pricing for webinars is lower than for in-person lectures.
Pricing includes a full series except for one-off special events. We will not be offering individual webinars for sale.
Notification of webinars/series: As always, everyone who subscribes to our email list here or who previously attended any of our in-person lectures will be notified about upcoming webinar series.
Click here for registration and payment. You will be paying by credit card.
Zoom links
the link will be sent to you immediately following registration or purchase of a ticket as well as one day and one hour before each webinar.
Recording webinars
As of Spring 2023, TLL will offer recorded lectures following the lecture for a limited period of time IF approved by the speaker.
Zoom links will only work on one device at a time so they cannot be shared. EXCEPTION - If you cannot attend a lecture, you are welcome to forward your link to someone else to use.
To get a refund, click the cancellation button at the bottom of the zoom link. Then send us an email at tlifelonglearning@gmail.com to request a refund before the start of the series.
Some Basics
Question: Who is our audience?
Answer: Although our lecture series program is geared to age 50 and over, all adults who enjoy learning and intellectual stimulation are welcome, regardless of age and where they live.
Question: How do I get on the email list to find out about future lectures?
Answer: You will be notified of upcoming lecture series if you have:
subscribed on the TLL website to stay informed for future series. Click here to register and stay informed. or
previously purchased a series ticket (in which case you were asked to sign up for an email list during the purchase process).
Question: Do you share your email lists with others?
Answer: No, for your privacy and protection, we will never share your emails or contact information.
Question: If I attended a previous series, will I be guaranteed a ticket for another series?
Answer: No. Tickets are first come, first served. We will notify all subscribers and past patrons on our email list of the date and time of ticket sales so that everyone has the same chance of purchasing tickets.
Question: When do lectures take place?
Answer: Series of 4-6 lectures take place on weekday afternoons (typically Thursdays at 2 pm) in the Spring and Fall. Single-lecture events may take place in the evening.
Ticket Sales and Management
Question: When do tickets go on sale?
Answer: Tickets typically go on sale during the summer for the Fall series and during the winter for the Spring series. If you have subscribed to our email list or previously attended a series, you will be notified of the exact date and time about a week in advance of ticket sales.
Question: How do I purchase tickets for the next series of lectures?
Answer: Everyone on our email lists will be notified of upcoming lecture series and the date and time ticket sales open online. At that time, on the TLL website, click on Buy Tickets in the menu bar at the top. Tickets are only sold online. No tickets will be sold individually online or at the door.
You will not be able to buy tickets if we are sold out or not yet selling tickets for the next lecture series.
Tickets sell out very quickly, so we suggest you purchase tickets early!
Capacity: In-person lectures have a capacity of 400 seats. Webinars (offered during the pandemic) have a capacity of 500.
Question: How much will the lectures cost?
Answer: As a non-profit organization, we are committed to making the cost VERY affordable. Typically, a 6 lecture series costs $50. Webinars will be priced at a lower rate.
Question: How can I pay for my tickets?
Answer: Tickets will be sold online using Mastercard, Visa, American Express and Apple Pay through Stripe, an online payment system that provides the technical, fraud prevention and banking infrastructure required to operate safe, secure payments.
Question: How will I know if the payment transaction has been completed?
Answer: You will receive an email confirmation of the transaction for your records. (if you don't receive it immediately, check your spam or junk mail).
Question: When will I receive my ticket for in person lectures?
Answer: Tickets will be issued at the first lecture (or second if you can’t attend the first lecture). You will NOT receive your tickets in the mail and you do NOT need to bring your purchase confirmation. We will have a list of all people who purchased one or more tickets. You will register at the first lecture (or 2nd if you can't make it) and be issued your ticket at that time.
If someone purchased a ticket on your behalf, the tickets will be issued under the name of the person who purchased the tickets.
Question: Can someone else use my ticket if I can't use it?
Answer: Yes. If you are not able to attend a lecture, you can give your ticket to someone else. Make sure they return your ticket to you if there are any lectures remaining in the series that you plan to attend. TLL does not get involved in ticket sharing (passing your tickets on to others).
If someone else is picking up your ticket and using it for the first lecture, that person should let the Registration Desk know. He or she will pick it up under the person who purchased the ticket, then sign off that your ticket was picked up. Please ensure the substitute returns your paper ticket for the remaining lectures.
Question: What is your refund policy?
Answer: We will refund tickets within the first 48 hours of purchase. After that, you are welcome to sell your ticket to someone else (sometimes facebook can be useful for that) or give it away as a gift.
Question: Do you sell tickets at the door if there is space available?
Answer: No. We only sell tickets online.
Registration and Seating at the Venue (in-person lectures)
Question: What time should I arrive for the lectures?
Answer: At the first lecture in every series all patrons will need to register. Because of the large number of attendees, we will open registration 45 minutes before the start time for the first lecture. We suggest you arrive for the first lecture at least 20-30 minutes prior to start time. We plan to start lectures on time. In the rest of the series lectures, everyone who registered at the first lecture will already have a ticket, so the process is very quick and doors will be open 30 minutes before the start time.
Question: How will the registration and seating process work?
Answer: At the first lecture of the series, you will be registered at the designated Registration Desk, based on the list of everyone who purchased tickets. You will be issued a paper ticket which will be used as an entry pass for ALL lectures in that series - so please keep it with you. If you purchased 2 tickets online, for example, you will be issued 2 paper tickets. (If someone else is attending a lecture in your place, please give him/her the paper ticket as an entry pass and ask them to check in at the Registration Desk under your name.) Seating is on a 'first come, first served' basis - there is no reserved seating.
Venue (Location) and Parking
Question: Where will the lectures take place? What do I need to know about the venue?
Answer: Lectures will take at the Schwartz/Reisman Centre (SRC) located at 9600 Bathurst St. (southwest corner of Bathurst/Lebovic Campus Drive, just north of Rutherford Rd). Get directions here.
Multi-Topic series will be held in the Shirley Auslander Hall inside the Conference Hall.
Single-Topic series (if offered) will be held upstairs in the Community Volunteer Board Room.
SRC is a non-profit community centre that welcomes all denominations. We are renting comfortable, modern facility space from them. SRC is wheelchair accessible. FOOD: you are welcome to eat your own food anywhere in the SRC atrium, but only food and drinks purchased on site at the cafe are allowed in the lecture halls.
Question: How does the Parking work?
Answer: PARKING IS FREE for people attending TLL lectures. Both surface and underground parking are available.
To access parking: Entering on Lebovic Campus Drive, drive up to the booth. Tell the attendant you are here for an event (Thornhill Lifelong Learning lecture). You may be required to show a photo ID (for security reasons).
For surface parking, veer left past the booth then immediately left again to the gate, take a ticket and park. Enter the building at the North entrance (take your ticket with you). Follow signs to the lecture.
For underground parking, turn left past the booth and go straight past the main North Entrance door. Underground parking will be on your right at the end of the road. Go underground, take a ticket and park - follow signs to the lecture. Take your ticket with you.
To exit after the lecture: If you are exiting right after the lecture, the exit gates will be open (no ticket needed). If you stay around to socialize or grab a bite, get your ticket validated at the front Welcome Desk. Use your ticket to exit the lot. If you have any trouble, push the "help" button at the exit gate and the attendant will help you. DO NOT PUT your credit card into the machine. Parking is free for TLL Patrons no matter what time you leave.
Community/Patron Input
Question: How do you determine the topics for lectures?
Answer: From time to time, we conduct community surveys on Topics of Interest and other features of our program to help determine our program for the coming year or two. The most recent survey was conducted in June 2017 which will help shape our program for 2018 and 2019. Click here to see topics of greatest interest based on the survey. We will continue to survey participants of our lectures to keep current with their interests.
Question: How can I recommend a great speaker?
Answer: We are always looking for great speakers on a variety of topics. If you know one, please feel free to click Recommend a Speaker and complete the brief form. If we end up using a speaker you have recommended (who is not on our list), we will offer you a free ticket to our next lecture series.