our beliefs and principles
Our Beliefs and Principles
Target Audience:
While our learning and enrichment activities are geared to individuals of 50 years and older in Thornhill and surrounding communities, participation is open to all adults. We embrace the diversity of our community.
Speaker Selection
We seek speakers who are experts in their field based on robust credentials, strong presentation skills, an engaging presentation style and ability to communicate material well to a lay audience. We vet speakers to the greatest extent possible using a wide variety of methods.
We endeavour to seek out speakers who can provide balanced, evidence-based lectures, where applicable, but understand that most speakers have their own opinions and viewpoints. We do not seek out speakers who ascribe to any particular viewpoint as neither our Board nor our audience is homogenous.
Our organization is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors which abides by a constitution developed by the founding members and reviewed, from time to time, to adapt to new operating conditions.
Privacy Policy:
Thornhill Lifelong Learning is committed to protecting the privacy of our participants. We collect personal information, such as names and contact details, solely for the purpose of managing our lecture series. We do not share or sell any personal or financial information with third parties.
Your privacy is important to us, and we ensure that your information is securely stored. If you have any questions about our privacy practices, please contact us at tlifelonglearning@gmail.com
Audience Participation Policy:
TLL understands that some may disagree with a speaker’s point of view. We ask that the speakers and fellow members in the audience always be treated respectfully. Disparaging, disrespectful comments or outbursts will not be tolerated.
We are an independent, not-for-profit incorporated organization and do not support any particular political, commercial or self-serving activities.
Financial Affairs:
We are a financially self-sustaining organization that relies on lecture fees for revenue, while managing affairs responsibly to keep expenses to a minimum and costs to members affordable.
Community Engagement:
We regularly seek community input/feedback on topics, areas of interest and formats for learning and enrichment. We also include an interactive component (Q&A) in each lecture series.
We welcome volunteer participation in a variety of capacities as per the needs of our organization.
The literate of the world in the 21st Century will not be those who can read and write, but those who can learn, unlearn and relearn.
Alvin Toffler